I'm a pretty advanced PC user (ahem), but still, I always run into trouble when trying to edit videos.
Everything was fine when the only video I recorded was on my digital camera. It was easy. A video file (AVI) was copied to my computer, and I could edit it using the build-in software Windows XP Movie Maker. After that I could upload it to Utube.
The disadvantage was, that I could only record 5 minutes footage before I had to empty the camera.
Now we bought this cool Sony DVD video camera. I thought everything would be just as easy because it records directly onto a DVD - but boy was I wrong.
I spend the last 3 hours trying to consider different options about PAL, NTSC, 4x3, 19x9, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, framerates, bitrates, layers, non-square pixel rendering, two-pass encodes, etc.
I don't know ANYTHING about the above, and to be honest: I DON'T CARE!!!
Where's the software with a button that says:
"I'll now read your DVD, allow you to cut out the scenes you don't want and then I'll upload it for you! I should be done in about half an hour, go read a book while your waiting! Thanks for buying Sony."